

Lee Siaw Siang

Process Technician Tire & Specialty Rubbers business unit, Singapore

About me

I’m still relatively new at ARLANXEO. The plant I work in produces neodymium-butadiene rubber, mainly for the tire industry. I had previously worked for a Japanese polymer company for 15 years, including here at Jurong Island industrial park. But then my interest in the rubber industry, and thus in ARLANXEO, grew: rubber used to come from trees, but today it is produced by chemical reactions. And you can make great tires out of it and, of course, much more products. I find that very exciting!

My everyday working life

As a process technician, I am on the move everywhere in the company: I maintain our production facilities, check the equipment, and repair it if anything is broken. In addition, I have to keep accurate records every day showing to what extent everything’s going perfectly. I am currently receiving several weeks of training in the process control system with which we operate our plant – in a small room with many monitors and control panels. After the training, I am qualified to work here as well.

This is what makes ARLANXEO so special

ARLANXEO is a multinational company, my colleagues are not only from Singapore, but also from India, Europe, and China. This is sometimes a bit complicated because of the different languages, but I manage well with my mother tongue Malay and with English. I’m learning a lot from the other cultures! Everyone is very friendly and helpful – ARLANXEO is great when it comes to teamwork.

I would give this advice to new colleagues

Work safely and have fun at work! You can ask other colleagues about any problem, they will be happy to help you. I’ve experienced this myself.

My interests

I like cycling and jogging. Sometimes I also take part in bigger running events, for example the Singapore Marathon. Then I try to run as fast as I can before sunrise – before the great heat comes.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,at duo idque erant dolorum, pri nostrum repudiandae ex.Eu labitur percipitur liberavisse vix.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,at duo idque erant dolorum, pri nostrum repudiandae ex.Eu labitur percipitur liberavisse vix.